Júlia Girão

Coronavac, Pfizer Ou Astrazeneca: Por Que Não Faz Sentido Escolher Qual Vacina Tomar?

Desde a chegada das vacinas das farmacêuticas Pfizer, no final de abril, muitos brasileiros estão se recusando a tomar os outros imunizantes disponíveis. No Brasil, no momento, existem três vacinas disponíveis para uso: a Coronovac, produzida pelo Instituto Butantã, a Astrazeneca, produzida por Oxford e a Pfizer, produzida pela farmacêutica americana de mesmo nome em conjunto com a farmacêutica alemã Biontech. Todas têm eficácia comprovada e foram aprovadas pela Anvisa (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) para serem utilizadas no Brasil, porém, os seus níveis de imunização diferem. Por isso, a população entra em conflito: já que a maioria das pessoas deseja tomar a vacina que tem eficácia maior.

Water Crisis In Brazil: Why Does Still Exists And Why We Need To Concern?

Brazilians live in constant danger of suffering from a lack of water at home. Depending on which part of the country the person lives in, this has always been a reality. In the case of the Northeast for example, not having water has even become a stereotype, because of its absence. Regarding Southeast, the last major water crisis reported causing the population's alarm was between the years 2015 and 2016. It was about the Cantareira System, which is one of the largest water collection systems i

“Chamar a gente de herói é hipocrisia, somos apenas humanos” diz técnica de enfermagem

Falta de equipamentos de qualidade, férias canceladas e licenças congeladas são dificuldades dos enfermeiros durante a pandemia, que já estão em contato próximo diariamente com o coronavírus Desde o início da pandemia da covid-19, em março de 2020, muito se fala sobre as dificuldades que os médicos enfrentam diariamente, mas pouco sobre as outras pessoas que também estão na linha de frente. Essenciais no combate à pandemia, os enfermeiros ficam em contato com o paciente desde sua chegada à unidade se saúde até sua saída.

Publicidade, influencers e pandemia: o que fez o BBB se reinventar como fenômeno pop?

Depois de uma queda na audiência, o ano de início da pandemia trouxe uma edição do BBB com diferenças que aumentaram a relevância do reality Em 2002, o Big Brother Brasil teve sua primeira edição com 38,2 pontos de audiência segundo o IBOPE (Instituto Brasileiro de Opinião Pública e Estatística). No entanto, a edição de 2019 teve o pior desempenho da história do reality, decaindo com 20,4 pontos. Com a queda de interesse do público, o BBB decidiu reverter a situação em 2020.

Get To Know 4 Trans Women In Politics

Brazil is the country that kills the most transgender people in the world. Here, the rates of violence surpass countries with more conservative governments. According to the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (ANTRA), there was a 41% increase in the number of murders last year, 175 trans and transvestite women were killed. However, even though 2020 was the bloodiest year, municipal elections brought the largest number of candidates and twenty-five elections for trans people.

The Duke Of Edinburgh's Most Controversial Quotes: Get To Know The Scandals Behind The Royal Family

The duke was known for always keeping a low profile next to the queen, but he was even famous for his collection of gaffes over the years and politically incorrect jokes with a racist and sexist nature. Even publishing a book on his 85th birthday: “Prince Philip: Wise Words and Golden Gaffes”, which brings together the duke's most controversial phrases. Philip was, in fact, a man of the past century who was not willing to change, but, before that let me show you some historical facts that went viral about the royal family!

BBB 21: Carla Diaz, Toxic Relationships And Victim Blaming

Carla and Arthur's relationship was never seen as abusive. Since at no time was he explicitly physically violent towards her. Arthur didn't scream, he didn't punch. But abuse is a form of exploitation, someone benefits over another, it’s a parasitic relationship. And we, as a society, have a habit of always blaming women for men's mistakes. Carla paid for this prejudice, like so many others. Her trajectory on BBB has a lot to teach us. A woman who got into the reality show with everything she had, who had a great chance of reaching the final, in a few weeks fell down, due to a relationship with a toxic man and a structurally sexist society.